Removing Creative Blocks through Embodied Expression
Instructors: Pauline Canteneur + Rachael Sharkland
Date: Saturday, October 19
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Ellen Webb Studio
2822 Union St. Oakland, CA 94608
Workshop Description:
Feeling stuck and constricted in your creative flow? This workshop is an invitation to get out of your head and drop into your body as a source of inspiration and wayfinding through creative blocks. We invite EVERY BODY to join us, no prior movement experience necessary!
The workshop will draw on a range of somatic practices including: contemporary dance (release technique, improvisation), contemplative and developmental movement (Body-Mind Centering, Feldenkrais, Qi Gong), and Energy Medicine.
The workshop will include the following:
An opening practice focused on grounding and orientation
A series of guided movement, breath, and experiential explorations (expression will be different for each participant–we welcome everything from still and imagined to full-bodied movement)
A time for writing/drawing and reflection (participants can bring a prompt or creative project they are working on if they wish)
A closing practice, and opportunity to share (sharing not required)
Each section will integrate somatic techniques that participants can take into their daily practice for future encounters with creative blocks.
*This is not a contact improvisation class.
Workshop Fee: Sliding Scale
suggested price is $75